Basic Info
Medicare Shared Savings Program Track 1
Accountable Care Organization ID: TBD
ACO Primary Contact:
Dr. Phil Gaziano
68 Bridge St, Suite 118, Suffield, CT 06078
Anonymous 24/7 Compliance Hotline: 860-986-6606
Types of ACO participants that form the ACO:
- ACO professionals in a group practice arrangement
- A network of individual practices of ACO professionals
- A hospital employing ACO professionals
- A critical access hospital (CAH) billing under Method II
- A rural health center (RHC)
See a full roster of Participating Providers HERE.
Note: No participants are involved in a joint venture between ACO professionals and hospitals.
ACO Governing Body:
Key Clinical and Admin Leadership Roles & Committees:
Amount of Shared Savings/Losses:
How Shared Savings are Distributed:
Payment Rule Waivers:
QHI ACO does not utilize the SNF 3-Day Waiver Rule.
Quality Reporting
Quality Scores for performance years have not yet been accumulated.
For more information on how to interpret scores on the above quality performance measures, click HERE.
For general questions or additional information about Accountable Care Organizations, click HERE or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).